Cub Scout Pack 1 & 33
Mill Valley, California
Pack 1 and 33 are joining forces in 2024-2025 to provide a stronger and more active scouting program in Mill Valley! See this FAQ for more info.
Next pack meeting on Wed, Sep 18th @ 6 PM, Scout Hall
Welcome to the home of Mill Valley Pack 1 & 33. First chartered in 1932 and 1956, respectively, Pack 1 & 33 is sponsored by Marin Council, one of six councils that serve the San Francisco Bay Area. We are an inclusive pack welcoming all boys and girls. We believe Scouting teaches skills for life: outdoor skills, environmental stewardship, community service, and character. Our scouts attend Tam Valley Elementary, Strawberry Point Elementary, Marin Horizon and other southern Marin elementary schools. Come discover the joy of Scouting with us! For information on joining Pack 1 & 33 visit our Registration page.
Pack Activities, Fall 2024 is here!
Our next pack meeting is Wednesday, September 18th from 6-7pm at Scout Hall in Mill Valley.
New and returning scouts and parents, please see visit our registration page to sign up and pay 2024-2025 dues.​​​​​
We have a wonderful program of activities planned for this year. Here's what the next few months look like (members, check the official calendar to see the full details of each event):
Scout-Me-In hike @ Rodeo Beach
Hot Chocolate Night Hike
Pack Meeting
Scouts Adventure Weekend @ Camp Tamarancho
Popcorn Sale
More Popcorn Sale!
West Point Inn Pancake Breakfast
Pack Meeting
Scouting 4 Food volunteering
Fall Overnight @ Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
Veterans Day Color Ceremony & Lunch
Pack Meeting
Pack 1 & 33 Merger
Historically, Mill Valley has had three Cub Scout Packs: Pack 1, which was founded in 1932, Pack 33, which was founded in 1952, and Pack 34.
In 2024, Packs 1 and 33 have decided to join forces in order to provide a stronger and more active experience for our scouts.
This merger will be official on January 1, 2025, but the packs will start operating together in Fall 2024.
For more information, see the full FAQ document below.
Why Scouting?
Cub scouting is focused on fun and friendship, along the way we nurture personal growth and social skills
Leadership development: Scouts share in adventure and take turns leading other scouts
Outdoor Skills: Scouts learn how to safely enjoy and care for the outdoors
Participatory Citizenship: Civic awareness and patriotism with an emphasis on service to the community
Personal Fitness: Healthy eating and an active lifestyle are encouraged
Character: We seek to develop good character, guided by the Oath, Law and Motto
The Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
The Scout Law
A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
The Scout Motto
"Do Your Best"