Cub Scout Pack 1 & 33
Mill Valley, California
Pack 1 and 33 are joining forces in 2024-2025 to provide a stronger and more active scouting program in Mill Valley! See this FAQ for more info.
Next pack meeting on Wed, Sep 18th @ 6 PM, Scout Hall
Parent Participation:
Cub Scouting means family involvement!
Scouting aims to foster positive interaction between parents and their sons and daughters. There is no substitute for active parent participation, and your child's success in scouting requires it. Yes, this takes time, but your efforts will be rewarded by the growth you see in your boy or girl, and by the shared adventures you have as a family. As a member of Pack 33 you will be supported by our community of families and the Pack and Den leaders.
In Cub Scouts, it is the job of parents, supported by the Den Leaders, to bring the Scout through the various requirements in the handbook so that he or she can move to the next level. Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Cubs, particularly, will need adult assistance at home to achieve their goals. Den meetings alone will not cover all of the tasks required for advancement.
What about Meetings?
Den meetings are held once a month with an additional activity sometimes planned. Den parents set the time and place for Den meetings. We consider these meetings to be parent/scout events and parent attendance and involvement is the norm. Scouting advancement, learning, and fellowship is the focus of these meetings.
Pack meetings are held once a month at 6:30 pm at Scout Hall near downtown Mill Valley. Check our main webpage for specific times, dates, and location. A parent or responsible adult must attend the Pack meeting with their Cub. Meetings involve a mixture of fun, learning, activities and recognition of advancement. Please note there is limited parking in the neighborhood around Scout Hall, please also be respectful of the local community.
Pack Committee (planning) meetings are held monthly, usually on the 3rd Monday or Wednesday, typically over dinner at a local watering hole. Parents are always welcome to attend.
"Roundtable" meetings are chaired by the Marin Council once a month (1st Wednesday) for parents from different Packs in the county to share helpful hints on Scouting and for ongoing leadership training. Pack 33 sends a representative to these meetings and parents are always welcome. Location: LDS Church in San Rafael.
What is required of the Parents?
In addition to helping your scout complete their advancement requirements, our pack asks each family to commit to one of our volunteer roles each year, or join the leadership corps as a pack committee member or scout leader. We are 100% volunteer run, we depend on families to make our activities a success. Our activities are a lot of fun but take volunteers to make them successful. More to the point, it takes you to make them successful. Please take a moment to look over the list of volunteer opportunities linked above. It is normal to be reluctant to commit to something new, but our Pack leadership and your fellow parents will help you with ideas, training, and support. You can be a Den leader! You can lead an event! All it takes is the willingness to take the daring leap forward. Your kids will love your involvement, and carry their memories of scouting with you for a lifetime. We will be asking for everyone to help out at least a little or to take on a small task so that the work is shared.
Parent Training:
We believe that every Cub Scout deserves a trained leader. Scouting is an excellent learning organization for the parents as well as the Scouts, and you don't need a background in scouting to get started. The Marin Council provides Den and Pack Leader training courses open to all parents in the Spring and Fall. We need trained people to go on our camping trips and conduct our activities. We also encourage all parents to take the free online Youth Protection course, which is mandated for all our official pack leaders.
Cub Scout activities are covered by BSA insurance. Coverage begins upon receipt of the Cub’s application to join the pack and receipt of the Cub’s registration fee by the Marin Council. Field trips and outings in private automobiles are covered as long as a Local Tour Permit Application has been filed by the Pack or Den with Marin Council prior to the trip.